Good brothers Ma Haotian (played by Liu Qingyun), Zhang Ziwei (played by Zhang Jiahui), and Su Jianqiu (played by Gu Tianle), who grew up together, work together in the police drug department. After a last-minute change of plan, Jianqiu felt withdrawn because she couldn't live a normal life with her wife (played by Yuan Quan) as an undercover agent, but
Good brothers Ma Haotian (played by Liu Qingyun), Zhang Ziwei (played by Zhang Jiahui), and Su Jianqiu (played by Gu Tianle), who grew up together, work together in the police drug department. After a last-minute change of plan, Jianqiu felt withdrawn because she couldn't live a normal life with her wife (played by Yuan Quan) as an undercover agent, but