Tang Baojia (played by Zhang Fengyi) is a handsome and upright young commoner who, under pressure from his parents and harsh reality, elopes with his beloved woman Lu Yao (played by Guan Zhilin). Unexpectedly, he is arrested and sentenced to death. Wei Zhongxian, a treacherous sycophant of the current dynasty, was organizing his own team of Jinyi Guards and took a liking to Tang Baojia, who was in a death row
Tang Baojia (played by Zhang Fengyi) is a handsome and upright young commoner who, under pressure from his parents and harsh reality, elopes with his beloved woman Lu Yao (played by Guan Zhilin). Unexpectedly, he is arrested and sentenced to death. Wei Zhongxian, a treacherous sycophant of the current dynasty, was organizing his own team of Jinyi Guards and took a liking to Tang Baojia, who was in a death row