In 1185, the two families of Ping and Yuan engaged in a deadly battle at Tanzhipu. The defeated samurai of the Hiragawa clan, Kagami Tadaoji (played by Ichiki Sawamura), fled to the village of Ujibu in Yamagata Prefecture with his beautiful palace maid, Kagami Kando (played by Riko Naruhai), but was ambushed by the villagers. Guangdi was insulted by the villagers, while Ge Guan was pushed into a deep well and buried alive. by
In 1185, the two families of Ping and Yuan engaged in a deadly battle at Tanzhipu. The defeated samurai of the Hiragawa clan, Kagami Tadaoji (played by Ichiki Sawamura), fled to the village of Ujibu in Yamagata Prefecture with his beautiful palace maid, Kagami Kando (played by Riko Naruhai), but was ambushed by the villagers. Guangdi was insulted by the villagers, while Ge Guan was pushed into a deep well and buried alive. by