In 1887, Qiang (played by Jackie Chan), who worked as a sheriff in a western town, suddenly received a letter from his family. He was shocked to hear that his father, who was guarding Yuxi, had been killed, Yuxi had disappeared, and his sister Ling (played by Fan Wenfang) had followed the prisoner all the way to England. So Qiang hurriedly rushed to New York to find his old friend Roy (played by Owen Wilson)
In 1887, Qiang (played by Jackie Chan), who worked as a sheriff in a western town, suddenly received a letter from his family. He was shocked to hear that his father, who was guarding Yuxi, had been killed, Yuxi had disappeared, and his sister Ling (played by Fan Wenfang) had followed the prisoner all the way to England. So Qiang hurriedly rushed to New York to find his old friend Roy (played by Owen Wilson)