This film tells the story of marginalized youth issues in the 1970s. Lin Jianming plays a young girl who is bullied by her uncle and is later sold into a fire pit. She is unwilling to fall into the dust and is strictly prohibited from leaving after being shaved off her head. Unexpectedly, after being shaved off, she becomes a famous "social girl" and is forced to become a dance girl. She meets young Eli, who helps her escape, but fails
This film tells the story of marginalized youth issues in the 1970s. Lin Jianming plays a young girl who is bullied by her uncle and is later sold into a fire pit. She is unwilling to fall into the dust and is strictly prohibited from leaving after being shaved off her head. Unexpectedly, after being shaved off, she becomes a famous "social girl" and is forced to become a dance girl. She meets young Eli, who helps her escape, but fails