Pu Songling (played by Jackie Chan), who lives in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests, is not only a literary figure with outstanding literary talent, but also a skilled demon hunter. In a jewelry theft case, Pu Songling met Yan Fei (played by Lin Baihong), a rookie catcher from Jinhua County. Afterwards, Yan Fei, who was brought up by the yamen, came up the mountain and begged for nothing
Pu Songling (played by Jackie Chan), who lives in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests, is not only a literary figure with outstanding literary talent, but also a skilled demon hunter. In a jewelry theft case, Pu Songling met Yan Fei (played by Lin Baihong), a rookie catcher from Jinhua County. Afterwards, Yan Fei, who was brought up by the yamen, came up the mountain and begged for nothing