The story takes place in a seaside town called Glass Pu, where Associate Professor of Physics at Imperial University, Yuzuru Tomokawa (played by Yasuke Fukuyama), comes on business and stays at a hotel called "Green Rock Villa". In the hotel, Yukawa met a boy named Gongping (played by Mitsuki Yamazaki). Strangely enough, as soon as he approached a child, he would
The story takes place in a seaside town called Glass Pu, where Associate Professor of Physics at Imperial University, Yuzuru Tomokawa (played by Yasuke Fukuyama), comes on business and stays at a hotel called "Green Rock Villa". In the hotel, Yukawa met a boy named Gongping (played by Mitsuki Yamazaki). Strangely enough, as soon as he approached a child, he would