Lin Xijia (played by Huang Qiusheng), a renowned professor at the medical school of a university, specializes in researching methods for humans to avoid sleep for a long time. One day, ex girlfriend Qiu Mengxi (played by Wu Lixuan) suddenly appeared for help. It turned out that all of her family members were suffering from insomnia, and when the condition reached its final stage, the patients would fall into an abnormal state and be extremely aggressive
Lin Xijia (played by Huang Qiusheng), a renowned professor at the medical school of a university, specializes in researching methods for humans to avoid sleep for a long time. One day, ex girlfriend Qiu Mengxi (played by Wu Lixuan) suddenly appeared for help. It turned out that all of her family members were suffering from insomnia, and when the condition reached its final stage, the patients would fall into an abnormal state and be extremely aggressive