The story takes place during the Republic of China era, and the film tells the story of police officer Zhao Ren who, while investigating the headless female corpse case, encounters a series of supernatural events such as a person in the mirror, possessed by evil spirits, and worshipped by evil gods. Zhao Ren, who did not believe in ghosts and gods, was determined to uncover the truth behind the murder case. However, as the investigation into the murder case deepened, there were more and more terrifying and bizarre stories behind the case
The story takes place during the Republic of China era, and the film tells the story of police officer Zhao Ren who, while investigating the headless female corpse case, encounters a series of supernatural events such as a person in the mirror, possessed by evil spirits, and worshipped by evil gods. Zhao Ren, who did not believe in ghosts and gods, was determined to uncover the truth behind the murder case. However, as the investigation into the murder case deepened, there were more and more terrifying and bizarre stories behind the case