The movie tells the story of the future world, where artificial intelligence is rapidly developing. Cheng Fei (played by Liang Long) develops chips to stimulate supernatural beings for profit, leading to the sacrifice of Qianhe (played by Zhang Yihui)'s mother. Qianhe, who escaped from the mortal world, risked his life to avenge his mother and confront the evil forces led by Cheng Fei. In a critical moment, he unleashed his physical abilities and discovered
The movie tells the story of the future world, where artificial intelligence is rapidly developing. Cheng Fei (played by Liang Long) develops chips to stimulate supernatural beings for profit, leading to the sacrifice of Qianhe (played by Zhang Yihui)'s mother. Qianhe, who escaped from the mortal world, risked his life to avenge his mother and confront the evil forces led by Cheng Fei. In a critical moment, he unleashed his physical abilities and discovered