The female detective novelist Riko Uesugi (played by Hiromi Nagasaki), who once encountered creative bottlenecks, met freelance writer Yasuki Kawazu (played by Asahi Hasegawa) through the introduction of editor Hiko Hagiwo (played by Shinori Hoshino). The two of them started dating, seemingly as the haze was about to dissipate, but to their surprise, Li Huazi heard that Chuanjin suddenly
The female detective novelist Riko Uesugi (played by Hiromi Nagasaki), who once encountered creative bottlenecks, met freelance writer Yasuki Kawazu (played by Asahi Hasegawa) through the introduction of editor Hiko Hagiwo (played by Shinori Hoshino). The two of them started dating, seemingly as the haze was about to dissipate, but to their surprise, Li Huazi heard that Chuanjin suddenly