This film tells the story of Zhao Dawei, the son of the "richest man" in Shitou Village, who failed his 9th marriage proposal due to a misunderstanding that the first secretary from the capital, Chen Tianyu, had intervened and the conflict between the two sides was imminent. Dawei sent a letter of war to Tianyu, and Tianyu followed suit and accepted the challenge. Two young people in the pilot construction process are constantly in a state of constant situation and full of jokes
This film tells the story of Zhao Dawei, the son of the "richest man" in Shitou Village, who failed his 9th marriage proposal due to a misunderstanding that the first secretary from the capital, Chen Tianyu, had intervened and the conflict between the two sides was imminent. Dawei sent a letter of war to Tianyu, and Tianyu followed suit and accepted the challenge. Two young people in the pilot construction process are constantly in a state of constant situation and full of jokes