The story of "Private Club" tells the story of Milo (played by Feng Hairui), a college student from a poor family. Due to his friend Qiaoying (played by Chen Meiyi)'s stock trading failure, he and Qiaoying work together at Balcony, a high-end private club that operates like a nightclub, to earn money. Under the leadership of Joey's mother (played by Chen Jieling), they work with Feifei (Tonga)
The story of "Private Club" tells the story of Milo (played by Feng Hairui), a college student from a poor family. Due to his friend Qiaoying (played by Chen Meiyi)'s stock trading failure, he and Qiaoying work together at Balcony, a high-end private club that operates like a nightclub, to earn money. Under the leadership of Joey's mother (played by Chen Jieling), they work with Feifei (Tonga)