The story takes place in Taiqin, Kyoto. Actor Kamiyama (played by Kiyoshi Fukumoto) has played a sword and halberd film for his entire life, and is a dedicated "slain" character. He has been diligent and dedicated throughout his life, earning the respect and trust of his peers and younger generations through hard work and sweat. However, Xiangmei Mountain understands the decline of sword and halberd pieces
The story takes place in Taiqin, Kyoto. Actor Kamiyama (played by Kiyoshi Fukumoto) has played a sword and halberd film for his entire life, and is a dedicated "slain" character. He has been diligent and dedicated throughout his life, earning the respect and trust of his peers and younger generations through hard work and sweat. However, Xiangmei Mountain understands the decline of sword and halberd pieces