A middle-aged man named Masahiro Sugiyama (played by Hiroshi Shizuo) is an ordinary office worker. He works diligently and achieves success in his career, but finds his nine to five life empty and tasteless. One day after work, tired Sugiyama accidentally saw through the car window a building opposite the station with the words "Kishikawa Dance School" pasted on it. There was a beautiful looking person by the window
A middle-aged man named Masahiro Sugiyama (played by Hiroshi Shizuo) is an ordinary office worker. He works diligently and achieves success in his career, but finds his nine to five life empty and tasteless. One day after work, tired Sugiyama accidentally saw through the car window a building opposite the station with the words "Kishikawa Dance School" pasted on it. There was a beautiful looking person by the window