This film is known as Vietnam's first martial arts blockbuster. The story is about in the mid-15th century, when King Liangshan's army mutinied and killed his half brother Li Renzong and Empress Dowager Xuan Ci, the Nguyen family. After seizing the throne, he acted in reverse and was extremely cruel, arousing the resistance of loyal officials, righteous warriors, and martial arts heroes, and ultimately overthrowing him.
This film is known as Vietnam's first martial arts blockbuster. The story is about in the mid-15th century, when King Liangshan's army mutinied and killed his half brother Li Renzong and Empress Dowager Xuan Ci, the Nguyen family. After seizing the throne, he acted in reverse and was extremely cruel, arousing the resistance of loyal officials, righteous warriors, and martial arts heroes, and ultimately overthrowing him.