Psychologist Ma Le, known as the "Master of Suicide Intervention," made a fortune by relying solely on the misfortunes of others. One day, a "birthday star" fell from the sky and hit Ma Le. Ma Le, who mistakenly sucked in immortal energy, was told that the world was on the brink of collapse. Only by finding the four gods of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning who had been demoted to the mortal world could he change everything. Therefore, the gods and mortals embarked on a journey together
Psychologist Ma Le, known as the "Master of Suicide Intervention," made a fortune by relying solely on the misfortunes of others. One day, a "birthday star" fell from the sky and hit Ma Le. Ma Le, who mistakenly sucked in immortal energy, was told that the world was on the brink of collapse. Only by finding the four gods of wind, rain, thunder, and lightning who had been demoted to the mortal world could he change everything. Therefore, the gods and mortals embarked on a journey together