The movie "Iron Blood Guardian: Alien Invasion" is a soft science fiction film set against the backdrop of a genetic experiment induced by a meteorite magnetic field, showcasing the light and darkness of human nature and the goodness and evil of human nature. The film mainly tells the story of security team captain Guo Yuanchao and team member Cao Xinyi, who are preparing for their wedding, in order to save their teammate Pi, who is worried about his life due to genetic experiments
The movie "Iron Blood Guardian: Alien Invasion" is a soft science fiction film set against the backdrop of a genetic experiment induced by a meteorite magnetic field, showcasing the light and darkness of human nature and the goodness and evil of human nature. The film mainly tells the story of security team captain Guo Yuanchao and team member Cao Xinyi, who are preparing for their wedding, in order to save their teammate Pi, who is worried about his life due to genetic experiments