In a unit located in an apartment in Tokyo, there are four young people living. They are a college student named Ryosuke Sugimoto (played by Yuki Kozuo) who is infatuated with his senior girlfriend, an unemployed woman named Kenmei Okinawa (played by Kazuki Kaneda) who deeply loves her as an actor boyfriend, and a future illustrator named Akira Shoma (played by Kazunari) who is determined to become an illustrator
In a unit located in an apartment in Tokyo, there are four young people living. They are a college student named Ryosuke Sugimoto (played by Yuki Kozuo) who is infatuated with his senior girlfriend, an unemployed woman named Kenmei Okinawa (played by Kazuki Kaneda) who deeply loves her as an actor boyfriend, and a future illustrator named Akira Shoma (played by Kazunari) who is determined to become an illustrator