Fujiwara Takahashi (voiced by Masato Miyano) is an ordinary 18-year-old high school boy, and his father Fujiwara Wentai (voiced by Hirata Hirata) runs a tofu shop. Since the age of 13, every morning, Wentai has requested Tuohai to drive up the mountain to deliver tofu to the shop owners on the mountain. In fact, Wentai was once a racing driver,
Fujiwara Takahashi (voiced by Masato Miyano) is an ordinary 18-year-old high school boy, and his father Fujiwara Wentai (voiced by Hirata Hirata) runs a tofu shop. Since the age of 13, every morning, Wentai has requested Tuohai to drive up the mountain to deliver tofu to the shop owners on the mountain. In fact, Wentai was once a racing driver,