The story takes place during the Tokugawa Shogunate period in Japan in the mid-19th century. Dongqing Temple, located in Kamakura, received support from the shogunate and was able to provide assistance to women who suffered from the torment of marriage, helping them successfully sever ties with their husband's family. On this day, Ayin (Manjima), the concubine of the unscrupulous businessman Horikawa Saburo Umen (played by Tetsune Shinichi)
The story takes place during the Tokugawa Shogunate period in Japan in the mid-19th century. Dongqing Temple, located in Kamakura, received support from the shogunate and was able to provide assistance to women who suffered from the torment of marriage, helping them successfully sever ties with their husband's family. On this day, Ayin (Manjima), the concubine of the unscrupulous businessman Horikawa Saburo Umen (played by Tetsune Shinichi)