During his childhood, Hiroshi Fujita (played by Ken Sato) moved with his father to the island of Higugen, which was far away from the metropolis. There, he met his lifelong lover and Junmei (played by Kenji Ayase). The two gradually grew up and became a couple. Chunmei debuted as a manga artist, but as a woman, she gained fame for her works on various hunting and murder themes
During his childhood, Hiroshi Fujita (played by Ken Sato) moved with his father to the island of Higugen, which was far away from the metropolis. There, he met his lifelong lover and Junmei (played by Kenji Ayase). The two gradually grew up and became a couple. Chunmei debuted as a manga artist, but as a woman, she gained fame for her works on various hunting and murder themes