Experienced detectives Toshiko Higashiyama (played by Kanbo) and Yuji Ohshita (played by Takumi Shibata), known as the legendary partners of the Yokohama Port Police Department's search class in Kanagawa Prefecture, have gone through countless trials and tribulations in the past. Now that they have achieved great success, they are finally about to retire with honor. However, these two are extremely uneasy
Experienced detectives Toshiko Higashiyama (played by Kanbo) and Yuji Ohshita (played by Takumi Shibata), known as the legendary partners of the Yokohama Port Police Department's search class in Kanagawa Prefecture, have gone through countless trials and tribulations in the past. Now that they have achieved great success, they are finally about to retire with honor. However, these two are extremely uneasy