This film tells three poignant love stories in alternating seasons. In an article titled "Burning Red Leaves", Sakako (Mizuo Sugano) is betrayed by her boyfriend Matsumoto (Hideyoshi Nishijima) and cannot bear the blow. She takes medicine and commits suicide, but eventually turns into a fool. Matsumoto learns about it on her wedding day and feels guilty and runs away, starting to use a red rope to tie him up
This film tells three poignant love stories in alternating seasons. In an article titled "Burning Red Leaves", Sakako (Mizuo Sugano) is betrayed by her boyfriend Matsumoto (Hideyoshi Nishijima) and cannot bear the blow. She takes medicine and commits suicide, but eventually turns into a fool. Matsumoto learns about it on her wedding day and feels guilty and runs away, starting to use a red rope to tie him up