Directed by Wen Xiansheng, starring Li Shanjun and An Zaihong, starring Jin Xiyuan, Zhang Yingnan, Jin Hongbo, Jin Yingzhu, Zhao Yongjin, Qing Shouzhen, and Zheng Hairen. The movie "Wang's Notebook" started filming on May 4th. The film "Wang's Notebook" tells the story of the Korean emperor who possesses both exceptional insight and quick judgment abilities
Directed by Wen Xiansheng, starring Li Shanjun and An Zaihong, starring Jin Xiyuan, Zhang Yingnan, Jin Hongbo, Jin Yingzhu, Zhao Yongjin, Qing Shouzhen, and Zheng Hairen. The movie "Wang's Notebook" started filming on May 4th. The film "Wang's Notebook" tells the story of the Korean emperor who possesses both exceptional insight and quick judgment abilities