"Wang's Concubine" is produced by Tianhong Century Film and Television Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and exclusively promoted through crowdfunding by Jumi. The film is independently directed and written by Cao Yi, who directed "Gifts", "Flowers", "Time Machine", and "Choke". Lin Tao, who directed "Xie Wendong", served as the producer, Hu Zongyang supervised, and Wang Wei produced it
"Wang's Concubine" is produced by Tianhong Century Film and Television Culture Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and exclusively promoted through crowdfunding by Jumi. The film is independently directed and written by Cao Yi, who directed "Gifts", "Flowers", "Time Machine", and "Choke". Lin Tao, who directed "Xie Wendong", served as the producer, Hu Zongyang supervised, and Wang Wei produced it