"The Box of Wangliang" is adapted from the second installment of the Kyogoku Haruhiko Hundred Ghosts Night Journey series. Tsujiro Enoki (played by Kan Abe) runs a detective agency. One day, former movie star Yoko Yukiki (played by Kuroki Tsutomi) entrusted her to handle the case of her 14-year-old daughter Katako (played by Saki Terajima) missing. Writer Guan Kouxun(
"The Box of Wangliang" is adapted from the second installment of the Kyogoku Haruhiko Hundred Ghosts Night Journey series. Tsujiro Enoki (played by Kan Abe) runs a detective agency. One day, former movie star Yoko Yukiki (played by Kuroki Tsutomi) entrusted her to handle the case of her 14-year-old daughter Katako (played by Saki Terajima) missing. Writer Guan Kouxun(