Autumn Field Bunjo (played by Toshiro Watanabe), who is nearing middle age, became the son-in-law of a county councilor nine years ago. Despite his talent and strategy, he relies on others. Now, he can only devote himself to serving as the head of a rural branch of a large electrical group. One day, Akihara unexpectedly reunited at the headquarters with his younger generation, Yoshikawa Nagayama, who had a relationship ten years ago
Autumn Field Bunjo (played by Toshiro Watanabe), who is nearing middle age, became the son-in-law of a county councilor nine years ago. Despite his talent and strategy, he relies on others. Now, he can only devote himself to serving as the head of a rural branch of a large electrical group. One day, Akihara unexpectedly reunited at the headquarters with his younger generation, Yoshikawa Nagayama, who had a relationship ten years ago