The story tells of Zhu Dade, who had already retired from the martial arts world and opened a homestay in the countryside. Unfortunately, his brothers on the road continued to entangle him, always following him closely. In the end, he was forced to return to the martial arts world, including his daughter Zhu Xiaoqin and son-in-law Xiao He. Although Xiaohe and Zhu Xiaoqin have already been married (they have never had a wedding) and have given birth to Xiaopang,
The story tells of Zhu Dade, who had already retired from the martial arts world and opened a homestay in the countryside. Unfortunately, his brothers on the road continued to entangle him, always following him closely. In the end, he was forced to return to the martial arts world, including his daughter Zhu Xiaoqin and son-in-law Xiao He. Although Xiaohe and Zhu Xiaoqin have already been married (they have never had a wedding) and have given birth to Xiaopang,