"Romance in the Cloud: Flight Attendant No. 3" tells the romantic love story between the young and beautiful flight attendant Lin Qian (played by He Jing) and the handsome and wealthy Han Zijie (played by Du Junze). Lin Qian comes from a privileged background and has good musical literacy, but she is unwilling to follow her parents' expectations to become a musician. Instead, she dreams of becoming a flight attendant
"Romance in the Cloud: Flight Attendant No. 3" tells the romantic love story between the young and beautiful flight attendant Lin Qian (played by He Jing) and the handsome and wealthy Han Zijie (played by Du Junze). Lin Qian comes from a privileged background and has good musical literacy, but she is unwilling to follow her parents' expectations to become a musician. Instead, she dreams of becoming a flight attendant