Lone Wolf's private detective, Panji Zenzawa (played by Tadaoshi Asano), accidentally helps a drunken man named Hiroshi Harada (played by Gang Ayano) on a rainy night. Bao is the husband of the popular female celebrity Shizuka Harada (played by Rika Ota), but she has been left in a state of despair due to her marriage divorce. I went to Zengze and Bao to make friends, but soon Bao got involved
Lone Wolf's private detective, Panji Zenzawa (played by Tadaoshi Asano), accidentally helps a drunken man named Hiroshi Harada (played by Gang Ayano) on a rainy night. Bao is the husband of the popular female celebrity Shizuka Harada (played by Rika Ota), but she has been left in a state of despair due to her marriage divorce. I went to Zengze and Bao to make friends, but soon Bao got involved