The drama tells the story of Lin Xiaofan, a young entrepreneur who owns four listed companies and is murdered by his competitor Chen Yuan. However, he is reborn into a young thug named Lin Xiaofan in 1993. Lin Xiaofan is not only a domestic violence man, but also plans to sell his daughter for money. After his rebirth, Lin Xiaofan underwent a complete transformation, which not only resolved his relationship with society, but also
The drama tells the story of Lin Xiaofan, a young entrepreneur who owns four listed companies and is murdered by his competitor Chen Yuan. However, he is reborn into a young thug named Lin Xiaofan in 1993. Lin Xiaofan is not only a domestic violence man, but also plans to sell his daughter for money. After his rebirth, Lin Xiaofan underwent a complete transformation, which not only resolved his relationship with society, but also