This drama revolves around the investigation of the mastermind behind the kidnapping case of the "peerless elixir" ten years ago. It tells the story of Su Mo, a commoner of the Marquis family who was bound by feudal marriage, and Shen Yu, who was framed and forced to marry his sister, becoming "sister-in-law" by chance. Together, they face multiple difficulties, and the story of a happy enemy who gains love and growth.
This drama revolves around the investigation of the mastermind behind the kidnapping case of the "peerless elixir" ten years ago. It tells the story of Su Mo, a commoner of the Marquis family who was bound by feudal marriage, and Shen Yu, who was framed and forced to marry his sister, becoming "sister-in-law" by chance. Together, they face multiple difficulties, and the story of a happy enemy who gains love and growth.