On a snowstorm night, forest ranger Sangjie (played by Jinba) suddenly breaks into the cabin of a man claiming to be a forest police officer with a gun (played by Wang Zheng), ambushes and captures villager Genbao (played by Geng Dan), who is suspected of being a poacher. In a moment of shock, another man (played by Dajie Ding) breaks in with a gun, claiming that he is the real one
On a snowstorm night, forest ranger Sangjie (played by Jinba) suddenly breaks into the cabin of a man claiming to be a forest police officer with a gun (played by Wang Zheng), ambushes and captures villager Genbao (played by Geng Dan), who is suspected of being a poacher. In a moment of shock, another man (played by Dajie Ding) breaks in with a gun, claiming that he is the real one