Lily (played by Mei Li'er) met a mysterious hotel owner named Gao through the "Nearby People" feature on her phone and started dating. Boss Gao invited Lily to his hotel for a meeting, and female journalist Feng Wei (played by Gong Zhe) accompanied her to the appointment. The two of them checked into this mysterious hotel and found that Boss Gao had already died. However, in the afternoon, "he"
Lily (played by Mei Li'er) met a mysterious hotel owner named Gao through the "Nearby People" feature on her phone and started dating. Boss Gao invited Lily to his hotel for a meeting, and female journalist Feng Wei (played by Gong Zhe) accompanied her to the appointment. The two of them checked into this mysterious hotel and found that Boss Gao had already died. However, in the afternoon, "he"