This film tells the story of Iron Monkey (played by Huang Jingxing) and Iron Snake (played by Ao Gou) who grew up together in the Coal Cinder Alley. They have a deep brotherly relationship, and their eldest brother, Iron Snake, is a righteous and responsible person who is the support of these alleyways. Iron Monkey loves street dance more than life, and grew up in foster care at Xiaofei's (played by Meng Meiqi) home. Shy and silently guarding the sister who grew up together
This film tells the story of Iron Monkey (played by Huang Jingxing) and Iron Snake (played by Ao Gou) who grew up together in the Coal Cinder Alley. They have a deep brotherly relationship, and their eldest brother, Iron Snake, is a righteous and responsible person who is the support of these alleyways. Iron Monkey loves street dance more than life, and grew up in foster care at Xiaofei's (played by Meng Meiqi) home. Shy and silently guarding the sister who grew up together