Mizushima Shukun (played by Saito Kuo), who is studying at Tokyo Metropolitan High School, is handsome and is the object of countless girls. Even Keiko (played by Eihei Kazuo), the daughter of the Director of Academic Affairs, Kenji Furano (played by Kanji Tsuda), is highly favored by him. On Valentine's Day, Shu Quan received a message from his classmate who was transferred to another school, Naomi Kawakami
Mizushima Shukun (played by Saito Kuo), who is studying at Tokyo Metropolitan High School, is handsome and is the object of countless girls. Even Keiko (played by Eihei Kazuo), the daughter of the Director of Academic Affairs, Kenji Furano (played by Kanji Tsuda), is highly favored by him. On Valentine's Day, Shu Quan received a message from his classmate who was transferred to another school, Naomi Kawakami