Hawksmith Kazuya (played by Shoka Sakurai) has always dreamed of becoming a football player since childhood. With his hard work and talent, Kazuya was selected as a representative of the Japanese football team at a young age, and his future is full of hope and brightness. He has been in love with his fianc é e Nakagawa Weiki (played by Yamei Nagasawa) for many years and is about to bring him along
Hawksmith Kazuya (played by Shoka Sakurai) has always dreamed of becoming a football player since childhood. With his hard work and talent, Kazuya was selected as a representative of the Japanese football team at a young age, and his future is full of hope and brightness. He has been in love with his fianc é e Nakagawa Weiki (played by Yamei Nagasawa) for many years and is about to bring him along