Tokyo Minwa Bank employee Takahiro Nakayama (played by Keiko Tsuji) fell from a building and died. Detective Itan Kenichi (played by Kawahara Kazuki) led a team to the scene, only to encounter a headache for him, as he was met by the specialized investigator of the Police Department's Computer Crime Strategy Department, Iwaki Bin (played by Kei Tanaka). It turns out that Zhongshan used to use Just
Tokyo Minwa Bank employee Takahiro Nakayama (played by Keiko Tsuji) fell from a building and died. Detective Itan Kenichi (played by Kawahara Kazuki) led a team to the scene, only to encounter a headache for him, as he was met by the specialized investigator of the Police Department's Computer Crime Strategy Department, Iwaki Bin (played by Kei Tanaka). It turns out that Zhongshan used to use Just