Kawasaki Shoji (played by Sakaiya Ren), who works at the Shikoku Stray Dog Shelter, is a kind-hearted man who truly loves animals. Previously, during his time at the zoo, he married his wife Qianxia (played by Tanri) and gave birth to a pair of lovely children. After his wife passed away, Zhang Si transferred to a shelter, although he tried his best to help more dogs find shelter
Kawasaki Shoji (played by Sakaiya Ren), who works at the Shikoku Stray Dog Shelter, is a kind-hearted man who truly loves animals. Previously, during his time at the zoo, he married his wife Qianxia (played by Tanri) and gave birth to a pair of lovely children. After his wife passed away, Zhang Si transferred to a shelter, although he tried his best to help more dogs find shelter