Hirosuke Oda (played by Run Matsumoto), a young man who works for a certain advertising agency, follows his seniors to visit clients. Unexpectedly, he reunites with his first love girlfriend from his youth, Tatsuki Torino (played by Shuri Ueno), at the other party's company. Back in the day, Haojie (played by Kitamura Shokai) was studying on Jiangzhi Island when suddenly a cute looking student came to his class
Hirosuke Oda (played by Run Matsumoto), a young man who works for a certain advertising agency, follows his seniors to visit clients. Unexpectedly, he reunites with his first love girlfriend from his youth, Tatsuki Torino (played by Shuri Ueno), at the other party's company. Back in the day, Haojie (played by Kitamura Shokai) was studying on Jiangzhi Island when suddenly a cute looking student came to his class