On a cold winter night, a little bird named You Liuhua (voiced by Masaru Ueda), who was sleeping in the club's warm stove, had a strange dream. In the dream, she walked into the wedding hall with Yutaka Fukasa (voiced by Run Fukuyama) as she wished. However, at a critical moment, as a follower, Takashi Hayao (voiced by Jin Uzaka) suddenly broke in and wanted to take her owner away
On a cold winter night, a little bird named You Liuhua (voiced by Masaru Ueda), who was sleeping in the club's warm stove, had a strange dream. In the dream, she walked into the wedding hall with Yutaka Fukasa (voiced by Run Fukuyama) as she wished. However, at a critical moment, as a follower, Takashi Hayao (voiced by Jin Uzaka) suddenly broke in and wanted to take her owner away