One rainy night, young cartoonist Nishi (voiced by Genji Imada) came out of the subway station and met his first love dream lover Mi (voiced by Sayaka Maeda). On the way home, Xi saw Mi off and learned that Mi was engaged. Later, he was invited by Mi to a tavern to drink, and Mi's fianc é also came. Although Xi was jealous of Mi's fianc é, he felt guilty
One rainy night, young cartoonist Nishi (voiced by Genji Imada) came out of the subway station and met his first love dream lover Mi (voiced by Sayaka Maeda). On the way home, Xi saw Mi off and learned that Mi was engaged. Later, he was invited by Mi to a tavern to drink, and Mi's fianc é also came. Although Xi was jealous of Mi's fianc é, he felt guilty