English, Mandarin Chinese, Fujianese (incomplete, likely referring to a dialect of Chinese)
"The New Soldier Chronicles" tells the story of Ken (played by Chen Weien), a wealthy son, who receives a military service notice from Singapore after graduating from high school. His mother (played by Hong Ailing) tries every means to help his son delay his military service, but in vain. Ken reluctantly enters the army and meets the boastful Wang Luobang (played by Wang Weiliang) and the flattering Wa
"The New Soldier Chronicles" tells the story of Ken (played by Chen Weien), a wealthy son, who receives a military service notice from Singapore after graduating from high school. His mother (played by Hong Ailing) tries every means to help his son delay his military service, but in vain. Ken reluctantly enters the army and meets the boastful Wang Luobang (played by Wang Weiliang) and the flattering Wa