The story stage of Shinjuku Swan 2 was moved to Yokohama, Japan as the sequel to the manga of the same name developed. The male protagonist Ryuhiko Shiratori (played by Takashi Ayano) will confront the president of Yokohama Wizards, Takashi Takashi, played by Tadaxin Asano. In the manga, Takashi Takashi is portrayed as "the most terrifying enemy in the history of the Shinjuku Swan." This character
The story stage of Shinjuku Swan 2 was moved to Yokohama, Japan as the sequel to the manga of the same name developed. The male protagonist Ryuhiko Shiratori (played by Takashi Ayano) will confront the president of Yokohama Wizards, Takashi Takashi, played by Tadaxin Asano. In the manga, Takashi Takashi is portrayed as "the most terrifying enemy in the history of the Shinjuku Swan." This character