In the 25th year of the Showa era, the young leader of the Yamamoto gumi, Miko Makoto (played by Moto Sugahara), launched a road attack on a hostile gang leader and was sentenced to 11 years in prison. During his imprisonment, with the recovery of the Japanese economy and the outbreak of the Korean War, the Yamamoto gumi continued to grow, and the organization was divided into three factions: Yamamoto, Aoki, and Namba. To strengthen their strength, the three factions have successively
In the 25th year of the Showa era, the young leader of the Yamamoto gumi, Miko Makoto (played by Moto Sugahara), launched a road attack on a hostile gang leader and was sentenced to 11 years in prison. During his imprisonment, with the recovery of the Japanese economy and the outbreak of the Korean War, the Yamamoto gumi continued to grow, and the organization was divided into three factions: Yamamoto, Aoki, and Namba. To strengthen their strength, the three factions have successively