In the era of coexistence between humans and gods, the energy organization evolved from the human heart - positive energy and negative energy groups, guiding humans towards good or bad luck, respectively. "Sweeping Star" Liu Bai (played by Chen Guobang) leads Aming (played by Feng Bo) towards a downfall, but unexpectedly, due to competition with another member in the team, Xia Qing (played by Chen Jiahuan)
In the era of coexistence between humans and gods, the energy organization evolved from the human heart - positive energy and negative energy groups, guiding humans towards good or bad luck, respectively. "Sweeping Star" Liu Bai (played by Chen Guobang) leads Aming (played by Feng Bo) towards a downfall, but unexpectedly, due to competition with another member in the team, Xia Qing (played by Chen Jiahuan)