The story takes place in a certain place in Jiangnan during the Cultural Revolution. Jia Yimin (played by Ye Zhikang), the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Refurbitant Hospital, responded to the instructions of the "Central Cultural Revolution" liaison officer, kicked out the "stinky old nine" and used "little adventurers". Surprisingly, Yao Yao (played by Xie Yuan), a cook who had only studied medicine for a few days, was asked to give emergency treatment to Lu Daniu (played by Wang Guojing)
The story takes place in a certain place in Jiangnan during the Cultural Revolution. Jia Yimin (played by Ye Zhikang), the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Refurbitant Hospital, responded to the instructions of the "Central Cultural Revolution" liaison officer, kicked out the "stinky old nine" and used "little adventurers". Surprisingly, Yao Yao (played by Xie Yuan), a cook who had only studied medicine for a few days, was asked to give emergency treatment to Lu Daniu (played by Wang Guojing)