The story of "Invitations from Evil Spirits" is set in the Republican era and revolves around the unparalleled treasure "Seven Star Danhong" as a clue. Each person in charge of the Seven Star Danhong in the Wu family, a wealthy family, receives a threatening invitation from hell. The Wu master cannot bear the mental torment and depression, and his eldest daughter Qiyu also receives this frightening invitation after taking charge of the Seven Star Danhong
The story of "Invitations from Evil Spirits" is set in the Republican era and revolves around the unparalleled treasure "Seven Star Danhong" as a clue. Each person in charge of the Seven Star Danhong in the Wu family, a wealthy family, receives a threatening invitation from hell. The Wu master cannot bear the mental torment and depression, and his eldest daughter Qiyu also receives this frightening invitation after taking charge of the Seven Star Danhong