The protagonist played by Suzuki, Shuji Nanyun, is a social education teacher who has been teaching at Echiyama High School in Mie Prefecture for 3 years. Although he played baseball all the way to college, he retired due to injury. After dropping out of college midway, he used to be a sports coach, but due to the inability to give up his dream of becoming a teacher, he entered college again at the age of 32 and became
The protagonist played by Suzuki, Shuji Nanyun, is a social education teacher who has been teaching at Echiyama High School in Mie Prefecture for 3 years. Although he played baseball all the way to college, he retired due to injury. After dropping out of college midway, he used to be a sports coach, but due to the inability to give up his dream of becoming a teacher, he entered college again at the age of 32 and became